Tarnished Eden

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Tarnished Eden is a character from the Epiphany mod, included as the third iteration of Eden.png Eden. They are unlocked by beating the first floor boss in under 1 minute in a similar manner to The Forgotten and bringing the Glitched photo small.pngGlitched Photo to the Strange door.pngStrange Door as Tainted eden.png Tainted Eden.

First page.pngGameplay

Tarnished Eden starts with a random quality 1 passive taken from the Treasure Room pool, a Capsule D8, and their main item Debug small.pngDebug in their pocket active slot. Tarnished Eden will also, once unlocked, start with a random quality 1 active from the Treasure Room pool; this is unlocked by using Debug on 30 items.

Tarnished Eden rerolls their item build and stats every time they enter an unvisited room, and their stats are rerolled the same way. This mechanic, referred to as a "Smart Reroll", preserves item quality between rerolls: for example, Lucky foot.pngLucky Foot (which is a quality 2 item) will always be rerolled into another quality 2 item. Additionally, the newly rerolled item will be chosen randomly from any pool the original item can be found in.

If an item is picked up and isn't debugged, that original item will not appear when rerolling your build.


Some items are blacklisted and cannot be obtained via rerolls, for example:

You can find a full list of these items here: Tarnished Eden/Blacklist


Every time Tarnished Eden gets hit by an enemy, that enemy will corrupt into a Glitched gaper.png Glitched Gaper. Glitched Gapers act similarly to regular Gaper enemies. However, there are a few differences:

  • These Gapers keep the original enemy's HP amount.
  • Other enemies touched by Glitched Gapers will turn into Glitched Gapers themselves.
  • Glitched Gapers will seek out other enemies within a certain radius and chase after them.


Tarnished Eden's pocket active, Debug small.png Debug, has two effects:

  • If used normally, 2 charges will be spent to reroll Tarnished Eden's items and stats, identical to the effect of entering an undiscovered room.
  • If used while Tarnished Eden is holding an item above their head right after picking it up, all 12 charges of Debug will be consumed, and the item being held will be made completely immune to Eden's rerolling.
    • If the player displays their items through the in-game HUD, the debugged items will be displayed in a separate section of the item list.

Old knife small.pngStrategy

Similarly to the other Eden variants, TR Eden is unpredictable by nature, both in item build and stats, requiring the player to adapt to a near infinite amount of different situations during the run; Debug and the starting Capsule D8 will come in handy during unfavorable situations, such as facing a boss with awful stats/items. The player can "control" TR Eden's chaotic nature by carefully choosing which quality items and/or item pools to take from and which ones to avoid, mostly to increase the odds of certain items appearing or to decrease the odds of getting an undesirable item: for example, avoiding Quality 0 items can be greatly favorable, as many Q0 items can cause negative effects, especially when rolled into unexpectedly. On the other hand, picking up items from curse rooms can give the player a chance to roll into devil items, as the curse pool and devil pool share many of their items.

Transforming enemies into Glitched Gapers on hit should not be underestimated: since the Glitched Gapers keep the same health as the original enemy but become effectively a Gaper variant, they will lose any potentially annoying feature or mechanic, becoming a melee-only enemy and thus more manageable. On the other hand, a room with a high number of smaller enemies may quickly be overrun by Glitched Gapers, so it can be both beneficial and detrimental to the player.

Favourable Items

  • A debugged Rock bottom.pngRock Bottom will prevent the constantly rerolling stats from dropping, granting TR Eden a potentially large amount of stat boosts.
  • A debugged Sacred orb.pngSacred Orb will allow TR Eden to reroll its Q0 and Q1 items into items of Q2 or above, greatly improving its build.
  • The Butter!.pngButter! trinket allows you to easily debug an active item you have already picked up, allowing you to wait until your active item rerolls into one you want and keep it.

Dark power small.pngInteractions

  • Birthright.pngBirthright - Orchestrated Chaos, applies the Charm effect to the spawned Glitched Gapers. It also gives the player a 10% chance to shoot a glitched tear, which will turn any enemy hit into a Glitched Gaper.
  • TMTRAINER.pngTMTRAINER - Eden's corruption and the corruption of TMTRAINER "cancel out", and this causes TR Eden to stop rerolling his items entirely. The usual spawning of TMTRAINER items still occurs.
  • E. Coli.pngE. Coli - Enemies will turn into Poop instead of Glitched Gapers when making contact with Eden.
  • Eraser.pngEraser - Erasing a Glitched Gaper will prevent them from spawning again for the entire run, making Tarnished Eden literally able to delete attacking enemies.

Chains of pain small.png Unlocks

  • Eden now holds an extra item! - Use Debug 30 times

Story cube small.pngTrivia

  • During development, a fake counter of Eden Tokens used to visually appear on the character select screen but was scrapped before release.
  • On the Steam Workshop page for the Epiphany mod, Tarnished Eden is referred to as 'Corruption'.
    • Corruption refers to the clearly glitched and mangled appearance of Tarnished Eden and all of their surrounding features.
  • Tarnished Eden has a secret, unused death sound hidden in the files of the game, under the name 'eden_dies_funny'.

Glitched photo small.pngGallery